Statutory Information: Admissions Information

Admissons for Nursery

Admissions to Eliot Bank Nursery are administered by Eliot Bank School.  The admission arrangements for our Nursery can be viewed by using the link below:

Admissions for Nursery

Admissions for Reception, In- Year Transfers and Children with SEND

Admissions to Eliot Bank Primary School (for Reception to Year 6) are administered by Lewisham Council. Lewisham's admissions arrangements for the academic year 2023/24 was determined at a meeting of Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday 9 February 2022.

The policy includes:

  • The admissions policy for all mainstream community nursery schools and classes, primary and secondary schools and 6th form,
  • The coordinated schemes for transfer to primary and secondary school,
  • The locally coordinated in year admissions arrangements to participating mainstream schools and academies
  • The planned admissions limits for all community mainstream schools.

A full copy of the determined arrangements can be accessed via the link below.

   Lewisham Council Admissions Arrangements

A summary of the Lewisham Councils Admission Arrangements can be viewed by using the links below:

   Reception - Starting School

   In-Year Tansfer

   Children with SEND

Faith, foundation and free schools and academies in the area will publish their arrangements on their own websites.

Any objection to Lewisham’s determined admissions arrangements for the academic year 2023/24 should be lodged with The Office of the Schools Adjudicator. No later than Tuesday 15 May 2022.

For more information and advice on admissions:

  • visit the Lewisham Council Website
  • speak to a member the Admissions and Appeals team on 0208 314 8282 (lines are open Tuesday-Thursday, 9am - 1pm)
    email the Admissions and Appeals Team
  • for independent advice you can contact ACE Education Advice on 0300 0115 142 (lines are open Monday - Wednesday, 10am - 1pm) or visit their website: