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Admissions: Children with SEND
Most children and young people with special educational needs can get the support they need in mainstream schools. However, some children need extra support through an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
There is a separate application process for children with an EHCP. For more information is available via the link below:
School Admissions for Children with Special Educational Needs
Alternatively contact the Children with Complex Needs Service on 020 9049 1475 or via email to sen@lewisham.gov.uk
For more information and advice on admissions:
- visit the Lewisham Council Website
- Contact the Children with Complex Needs Service on 020 9049 1475 or via email to sen@lewisham.gov.uk.
- for independent advice you can contact SENDIASS www.kids.org.uk/sendiass or ACE Education Advice on 0300 0115 142 (lines are open Monday - Wednesday, 10am - 1pm) or visit their website: www.ace-ed.org.gov.uk