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Statutory Information: Special Educational Needs
The Inclusion Lead at Eliot Bank is Lorraine McGuire. To contact the Inclusion Lead please use the contact details below.
Lorraine McGuire, Deputy Head for Inclusion
Eliot Bank Primary School
Thorpewood Avenue
SE26 4BU
T: 020 8699 0586
E: info@eliotbank.lewisham.sch.uk
SEND Policy & Information Report
To find out more about our SEND provision please read our SEND Policy and Information report.
Use the links below to access other polices that link with SEND:
Admissions for Pupils with SEND
Most children and young people with special educational needs can get the support they need in mainstream schools. However, some children need extra support through an education, health and care plan (EHCP). There is a separate application process for children with an EHCP. More information is available via the link below.
School Admissions for Children with Special Educational Needs
Alternatively contact the Children with Complex Needs Service on 020 9049 1475 or via email to sen@lewisham.gov.uk
For more information and advice on admissions for children with SEND:
- visit the Lewisham Council Website
- Contact the Children with Complex Needs Service on 020 9049 1475 or via email to sen@lewisham.gov.uk.
- for independent advice you can contact SENDIASS www.kids.org.uk/sendiass or ACE Education Advice on 0300 0115 142 (lines are open Monday - Wednesday, 10am - 1pm) or visit their website: www.ace-ed.org.gov.uk
Inclusive Learning Statement
At Eliot Bank Primary School, alongside quality first teaching and a broad and rich curriculum offer, we may provide additional and different provision in order to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our Inclusion team will oversee the assessment and support of all school based interventions. Our SENDCo manages the Inclusion team and coordinates liaison with external professionals, ensuring appropriate support and interventions are implemented and reviewed.
All interventions and provisions provided are personalised in order to ensure highly differentiated curriculum support. Alongside this, we also use rigorous systems to monitor pupil progress, aid academic and personal achievement and remove any barriers to learning. Our staff follow tailored and universal continuous professional development programmes, in order to aid a structured whole school approach to learning.
We also run a wellbeing programme for staff. This programme helps us to develop and sustain a healthy and supportive working environment for both staff and children to work and learn in. In order to foster a culture of lifelong learning, curiosity and independent living skills in all of our learners, we may run alongside our universal curriculum.
Caveat and Disclaimer: Due to the personalised and highly differentiated nature of our support for learners with SEND, the programmes listed above are subject to change.
Not every intervention will be available to every child with SEND. Allocation of specialist services and intervention will be dependent on need, funding and specialist teacher/service availability.
Concerns or Complaints regarding SEND Provision
In the first instance, parents’/carers’ complaints about the provision or organisation of SEND are dealt with through the procedures outlined in the whole School Concerns & Complaints Policy.
If the complainant remains concerned after following the local complaints procedure, he or she could ask the Department for Education’s School Complaints Unit to take up the matter.
If disagreements have not been resolved at the local level, under sections 496 and 497 of the Education Act 1996 complaints can be made to the Secretary of State for Education.