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PE at Eliot Bank
In Physical Education (PE), we focus on making sure that all the children are active and engaged throughout each lesson. Teachers very clearly outline the skills that the children will be developing during the lesson and will ask groups of children to model these skills to the class, so that all the children are aware of what they are trying to achieve.
PE is a key aspect of school life as it helps to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Through PE, children at Eliot Bank will have vital experiences that will build and develop their resilience, self-confidence, self-awareness and the ability to work as a member of a team. These experiences include competition as a natural indicator and are often a valuable incentive to achievement by individuals.
At Eliot Bank, we aim to give children a varied programme of athletics, dance, gymnastics and team games - including football, hockey, netball and cricket. Class teachers teach PE throughout the school. We also have an excellent team of sports coaches from TeachSport (www.teachsport.org) who are timetabled to teach a variety of PE units alongside our class teachers. In Year 6, the children take part in the Primary School Leadership Certificate programme, delivered by TeachSport. They develop the skills to plan, organise and run a sports tournament for a younger group of children.
In the summer term, children in Year 3 visit our local swimming pool and learn how to swim. These lessons continue during the spring term for children in Year 4. The children really develop their skills and confidence during these years and many are keen to attend the Swimming Gala to show off their talents.
Eliot Bank is part of a network of schools and teams which attends sports tournaments where we compete against others. Children of all ages compete in cricket, tennis, football, sports-hall athletics and multi-skills tournaments, and children from Years 5 and 6 compete in the annual Swimming Gala at Glassmill. We have two football teams made up of boys and girls from Years 4, 5 and 6. They play in the Lewisham League on Blackheath against other Lewisham schools all competing for the Mary Bennett Plate and the league title.
The highlight of the year is the Sports Day which is held at Baxters Fields. This is a chance for the children to show off their skills in both field and track events and to take part in fun events such as the classic ‘egg and spoon’ and obstacle race (and welly throwing!). Parents, carers and family members are encouraged to come and watch their children compete at this lovely sporting event.
Rose Grosvenor, Arts Team Leader
Rebecca Keen, Arts Team Leader
Year Group Standards & Expectations
Throughout the year, your child’s attainment will be judged against the criteria set out in the year group-equivalent Standard and Expectations. This on-going judgement will identify what children have achieved and what they need to do next. Use the link below to access the year group expectations for PE.
PE & Sports Grant
The introduction of the PE and sport grant has enabled us to further develop, strengthen and create a range of sustainable PE opportunities available to Eliot Bank pupils, in addition to and enhancing the weekly PE sessions which they already participate in.
To find out how we allocate and spend our Sports Grant Funding as well as the impact of this expenditure use the link below