A Welcome from EBSA Chair, Katie Knowles

Hello and welcome to the Eliot Bank School Association (EBSA). We are a voluntary fund-raising organisation run by parents and friends of the school with the support of staff and children. As a parent or carer of a child at the school, you automatically become a member of the association.

We very much hope you will join us in our fundraising efforts to improve the school environment for all our children. EBSA organises all sorts of events, including discos, film nights, fairs and raffles and has funded items such as a climbing frame, computer, cooking equipment and much more. Our volunteers also provide refreshments at big school events, run a regular second hand uniform stall, sell after-school ice lollies in the summer term and staff the school's weekly cake sale.

Everything we do is down to the talents and enthusiasm of the parents and carers who get involved. Some people help out now and again, while others are able to make more of a regular commitment – either way, your support is invaluable.

There are so many ways you can make a difference. Don't worry if you can't make it to meetings, we often need help baking cakes, asking for raffle donations or helping to set up a school event. Perhaps you have a skill which you could put to fund raising use? Even more importantly, we really welcome new ideas and pride ourselves in being a friendly and welcoming group.

This year we hope to organise a whole range of activities which will not only raise money, but be a lot of fun too. Please be part of our fundraising team and come along to one of our regular meetings, or catch me in the playground for a chat.

Katie Knowles
EBSA Chair